The stack of popiah skins, freshly made....

Arrange a sheet of popiah skin in a plate, spread some mixture of hoisin sauce and chilli sauce in the middle of the skin....

Put everything you wish as the stuffing in the middle of the sheet, brush some hoisin-chilli sauce mixture to the other end of the sheet, to seal up the popiah later...

Fold the right and the left side of the sheet ouside in.......

Fold the other end 1/3 up to the middle......
Then continue to fold 2/3 part....
And the last move, fold until meet the other end and seal up...
make sure you tighten up the stuffing as you fold....

Tha da.....3 fat and tightly wrapped popiah to enjoy......
You can fry them, and we call the fried version as Spring Rolls....
Note :
For spring rolls, you don't need to spread the sauce mixture. Seal the rolls with egg white or flour mixture.
These Photos are very clear and make it look very easy.......well done chef i love you food
Thanks Dave, hopefully these pictures are useful for Sam and other readers....
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